Missionary Qualifications 

Because the call to mission work is a high calling of God, we treat each person who feels the Lord working in the heart with a great deal of respect. However, it is also important we ensure that those associated with Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples have the necessary qualifications for the position. Qualifications for our missionaries are:


  1. Profess Jesus Christ as Personal Saviour.
  2. Demonstrate the call of God for mission work.
  3. Be in complete agreement with the doctrinal statement of BMFP.
  4. Have membership in a Fundamental Baptist or Baptistic church.
  5. Receive the recommendation of your pastor.


  1. Three years of Bible college or equivalent if leading a ministry.
  2. Missionaries working in support roles or helps ministries will be considered on an individual basis.


  1. Complete the application process.
  2. Be approved as a missionary candidate by the Administrative Management Team.
  3. Attend Pre-Field training.