PO Box 37043
Jacksonville, Florida 32236
Phone: (904) 316-9667


Patty grew up in New York State. At the age of nine, she made a profession of faith as a bus kid. As she entered her teen years, Patty began making bad decisions and was headed toward a downward spiral to self-destruction. When she was 21, a couple from a Fundamental Independent Baptist church visited her home. Through this couple’s countenance and words, Patty realized that what she needed was to have the Lord in her life. She still held to her childhood profession of faith, trusting in her prayer. However, once she started attending church, the Holy Spirit began convicting her of her lost condition. After a year and a half of struggling with her salvation, on March 28, 1988, Patty trusted in the work of the Lord Jesus and not in a prayer.

As Patty grew in the Lord, He led her to attend Bible College to obtain a teaching degree. She received her degree in Elementary Education in May 1995 through Trinity Baptist College, Jacksonville, FL. Patty worked full-time as a Christian worker for a Christian organization and then later for her church in the business office.

In 1999, the Lord led Patty to become a missionary to Inuvik, Northwest Territories of Canada, an Arctic community. She applied with Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples, Inc., and was accepted. After raising her support, Patty relocated to Inuvik in March 2003 to serve with a missionary family, teaching school, started a Sunday school class, helped in the church office, and served in other areas as needed. As other missionaries moved to these Northern communities, Patty was led of the Lord to move to another community to assist a new missionary family with a new work. After just several months of living in this new community, this missionary family had to relocate back to the States due to a medical situation regarding their youngest child. This change caused Patty to make a decision on where the Lord would have her to serve. After much prayer and counseling, Patty has been led by the Lord to work with Missionaries Jay & Linda Aarseth in Guam.

Patty will be teaching in their new Christian school, helping with children’s ministries, teen ministries, and women’s ministry. Her desire is share the Gospel with the lost, encourage the saved in the Lord, and to make a difference in the lives of those God brings into her life by offering them hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.