Leadership Programs Administrator

Phone: 334-538-2340
Email: crowngift4Christ@gmail.com
Office Email: mquitter@bmfp.org
Sending Church: Perry Hill Road Baptist, Montgomery, AL

Our primary role at the BMFP home office is to evaluate policies and processes that support our family of missionaries, then add or revise them as needed through our executive board. We want to ensure that we provide the best care possible for missionaries and their sending churches.

We are also working with local churches and missionaries to promote biblical leadership in character and practice, directly impacting the ability of the body of Christ to understand and fulfill the Great Commission. While Matt is working with leadership, Diadem and Manoah are active in music ministry while encouraging and mentoring young people in the ministry of sacred music.

Along with the BMFP President, Jonathan Lyons, we utilize our home office training area to host various seminars, conferences, and fellowship meetings to promote the local church, church planting, and biblical leadership, each emphasizing the depth and breadth of the Great Commission.

Dr. Matt Quitter accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord in 1990. That was the same year the Lord began to work in his life toward studying biblical leadership. While studying his bosses, he attended the first of 6 leadership schools offered by the US Air Force. The Lord further worked in allowing him to be assigned to challenging leadership and followership roles: team and shift leads, command consultant, headquarters, installation manpower chief, Director of Personnel for the Spaatz Center for Education. The Lord used these events along with educational opportunities and many God fearing, Bible preaching churches to drive him into the Bible to discover the wealth of instruction, example, and leadership wisdom the Lord has provided in His Word.

The Lord began to work in Bro. Quitter’s heart toward world missions in 2004. In response, every “vacation” was used to visit missionaries on the field and work beside them through 2011. He also started a Master of Biblical Studies degree program in 2004. On one mission trip the Lord, in his infinite wisdom and sense of humor, arranged for Matt to meet Diadem inside a prison in Thailand.

After retiring from the Air Force in 2011, the Lord placed Bro. Quitter in a new challenging role at Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples where his leadership and followership skills were put to the test in the service of the Lord. Through working with missionaries and pastors The Lord showed him the need to both to study, practice and write about biblical leadership and ethics. Now, after more than 30 years of study, practice, and a Ph.D. in leadership, the Lord has led Dr. Quitter to assist the board and Bro. Lyons as part of the BMFP leadership team and conduct leadership workshops for churches, designed to strengthen this and the next generation of leaders in following Christ and leading others.

“If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; If any man minister, let him do as of the ability which God giveth: That God, in all things may be glorified through Christ Jesus our Lord, to who be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” – 1 Pet. 4:11

Diadem is a partner in the ministry of the Leadership Programs Administrator for Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples.  Her Primary role is wife and mother to a 10-year-old boy, Manoah, whom she also home schools. Yet, she also provides encouragement and counsel for our young missionary ladies.

Diadem accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior at 9 years old. She grew up in a Christian home in Bukidnon, Philippines and graduated from Silliman University. She has had many opportunities to encourage women of all ages in multiple countries, through ladies meetings and one on one counseling.

Diadem served as a missionary in Thailand from 2005 to 2009 reaching young people and incarcerated women with the Gospel through English language programs and VBS in remote Thai villages. Today, in addition to traveling with her husband, the Lord has given her ministries of support and encouragement of missionary ladies, young mothers, and home schoolers.

Recently, the Lord has brought Diadem a ministry back in the profession she started with, nutritionist/dietician. Beginning with her husband’s sever bouts of diverticulitis, the Lord showed her how many missionaries can benefit from sound nutritional advice and homeopathic cures, the Lord has provided for us in His perfect creation.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Mt. 6:33