Many people are trying to discern the will of God for their lives, especially concerning choosing mission boards. A mission board does not replace or usurp the authority of the local church. With Baptist Missions To Forgotten Peoples, missionaries are sent out of their local church and answerable to them. Our purpose is to aid and assist Independent Baptist churches and pastors in caring for their missionaries both in their pre-field ministries and while they are on their mission field. Here is some advice Dr. Gene Burge, former president of BMFP, articulated to people seeking God’s will concerning the choice of a mission board.

Seek Guidance Concerning Your Calling:

  • Counsel with your pastor and seek his advice about missions and mission boards
  • Counsel with other spiritual Christians and especially missionaries
  • Seek advice about working with someone first; either on church staff or another missionary
  • If in college contact various mission boards

Find Mission Boards That “Specialize” In The Area That You Are Most Interested. Here Are A Few Examples:

  • General Church Planting (Foreign and US)
  • Ethnic & International Church Planting (US and Foreign)
  • Military (Church Planting & Singles’ Centers)
  • Christian Education, Bible Institutes, etc.
  • Prison & Jail Ministries
  • Children Homes & Shelters
  • Rescue Mission & Rehab Farms
  • Helps Ministries
  • Medical Ministries
  • Aviation
  • Jewish Ministries
  • Deaf Ministries

Make Sure:

  • Of your calling
  • Of the people to whom God has called you
  • Of the area of your calling

Check The Mission Board’s Doctrinal Statements, Policies, Practices and Personnel:

  • Stand on the Bible and use of versions
  • Doctrine
  • Is it Independent Baptist?
  • Policies & Practices
  • Relationship with the sending local church
  • Missionary requirements of the board
  • Ownership of properties
  • Separation
  • Support (insurance, retirement, emergency fund and support for headquarters)
  • Services rendered by home office
  • Working relationship with other missionaries of like faith and practice
  • Flexibility to do your missionary work
  • Personnel
  • Leadership of the board and board members
  • Purpose, duties, relationships of Administrators & Missionaries
  • Reputation of mission board and missionaries around the country

Are You Looking For A Mission Board Or Mission Family? (There Is A Difference)

  • A Mission Board that takes a personal interest in you and your family
  • A Mission Board that takes an interest in your ministry and those to whom you minister
  • If You Know God’s Will For You Is Missions, Make Application.