Dominic Scott


Dear Co-Laborers with Christ,

Thank you so much for taking time to visit the BMFP web site. It is our desire to be a blessing and help to you and especially those who have answered the call of missions.

Based on Jeremiah 1:7, “for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak,” Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples exist to aid Independent Baptist churches in the fulfillment of the great commission. Our aim is reaching a world that needs the Gospel. We work alongside the local church to provide aid, watch care, and accountability of their missionary as they follow the leadership of the Lord in missionary service.

Though the primary emphasis of Baptist Missions to Forgotten Peoples is church planting, we do realize that there are other areas of missionary work that help and assist the building of a local church. Innovative methods are used to reach and evangelize the “Pocket Peoples” or targeted people groups of the world. We categorize these groups into ethnic, social, vocational, and educational divisions.

Our prayer is that God would burden you to reach the forgotten peoples of this world. It may be in church planting or in the various areas of helps ministry. The goal is to produce local churches that have a heart to fulfill the great commission. We stand ready to help local churches as they send their missionaries to the mission fields of the world. Will you be the one who will say, “Here am I Lord, Send me?”

Dominic Scott

About BMFP

With the primary direction and objective of church planting world-wide, BMFP provides missionaries with an avenue for implementing innovative ministries in reaching the several thousand pockets of “forgotten peoples” in the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“Who are the forgotten peoples?” Forgotten peoples are those needing the Gospel that we often pass by on our way to the traditional mission fields of the world.  We divide these “forgotten people” into four basic categories:

Ethnic or geographically transplanted people. The major cities of our world have become multi-cultural. By starting international churches within these cities, we can reach the world with the Gospel.

Social “forgotten people” consist of teenage runaways, alcoholics and drug addicts, those incarcerated in our prisons, the elderly living in continual care homes, as well as those who are physically or mentally challenged.

Vocational groups, because of their vocation, are often overlooked with the Gospel. Among this group are our men and women serving in the armed forces of the United States. Over forty percent of the missionaries now serving with BMFP were saved and/or called while serving in our American military.

National pastors, evangelists and teachers are often overlooked in our “global” missions training strategy. Most have no access to local training; 80% of those coming to America for training never return to their own country. BMFP’s Bible Institute Ministries Division takes the training to them by planting institutes worldwide.